Thursday, 31st January

Mixing up your training is something we are always keen on talking about, and the benefits and freshness this can bring to your programme.

The same thing can and should be done to your eating efforts.

How boring can it be to eat the same thing all the time?

The trick is to use natural products in your food choices whenever you can.

The aisles in supermarkets sadly contain mostly processed, salty, pre cooked sometimes, and other choices of food that will definitely NOT help you one bit when it comes to supporting your training efforts.

If you stick to the aisles that contain mostly good natural produce, then this will give you more variety and give you different ideas.

You have the fruit and vegetables aisles, these are always going to be good for you. Simply picking different fruit and vegetables each time you go, or every other time you go shopping will give you different tastes and different choices when it comes to meal preparation and selection.

If you are a meat lover, how about changing all of that around and waking up to the delights that fish can offer.Whenever i tend to go in supermarkets, there tend always to be deals on fish.

You don’t have to eat the same fish all the time, as the deals will usually offer a different fish most weeks.

You don’t have to eat ALL of it the same time either, especially when you buy bulk purchase such as a whole salmon on half price for example. It’s easy to freeze it, and get several meals from the remains of the fish you froze.

Changing from meat to fish will not only freshen up your tastes but also give you the essential fats you really need in your diet that are vital for proper function in your body!

Fish is not as expensive as it can be earlier in the week, friday is always a good day in certain supermarkets.

Please don’t stick to the same thing all the time, the last thing you want to get is bored with your diet!!!

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