Sun 13th Oct

The coldest day of the year and a reminder of how building yourself up for winter can only be good for you and your immune system.

Self-care has never been so important. Many people complain about feeling rough and not feeling good, but getting a blueprint on how to feel good, how to perform at optimum levels, and how to rest properly to recover fully ought to be well within your grasp.

Think ahead to tomorrow, have you scheduled in your workout tomorrow? Or have you already let things get in your way potentially. 

You are much more of service to others when you are fit and well, so you must put that time aside.

 Chances are lots of others rely on you being fit and well so when they are trying to take that workout time away from you all the time, have a conversation with them and tell them how important it is to you, and how they will benefit too, better still encourage them to exercise and eat right too, when everyone is onboard in your household, life will be much easier and so much better all round.

If you promised yourself that this year would be different, this year would mean you are the fittest, strongest and most resilient you have ever been, then there’s still 10-11 weeks to make that happen and its plenty of time.

Health in your only true form of wealth because without your health, nothing else matters and nothing is enjoyable in life without it.

Make good on your promise-Starting tomorrow!!

Tues oct 8th

Being part of a team to me shows you are willing to care about others, you are willing to sacrifice, and to me you will always be a good friend to others. We are blessed to have so many of you and that’s why we have so many making great progress continually.

Yes there are other people in the world who are selfish, only care about themselves and its often a case of “do as I say, NOT as I do”. You do not need to have these people in your life, they will often upset you, doubt you and never encourage you, leave them to their own devices.

You need to ignore those people, and the negativity they can spread to your mind and to your self confidence.

You know now who encourages you, who backs you up no mater what especially when you are down, you will find in life your circle of true good friends can be small but value them highly and cherish them to help you get through all the life challenges to come.

Oct 8th

All the work you put in at the gym you would expect big improvements? The truth is all of that hard work needs to be supported by your eating (and drinking) habits.

There was a wide spread myth in the 80’s that if you trained hard, you could eat what you wanted to? You could burn it off? This was proven to be false and only limited your recovery, kept you stiff for longer after workouts and the results you expected never materialised.

Lots of people thought if you trained hard all week, you could drink whatever you wanted to on the weekend and often all weekend?

This was false too, as Mondays turned out to be washouts and most big drinkers I knew would only feel themselves by thursday backing up the true science that alcohol takes 4 days to fully leave your system, and that washout feeling was down to the fact that we now know that alcohol is proven to be a poison to our bodies, every scientific study back this up.

When we eat poorly before and after exercising hard too, we find our body splutters and doesn’t seem to work properly, heartburn, headaches etc become a normal part of daily life but we STILL don’t link the junk food/alcohol to the way we feel?!!!!

It’s really not a mystery is it?

If you are at all interested in feeling good, performing to the best of your ability and really making the most of your workouts, then realise what you consume away from the gym is ALL important.

7th october


The most crucial day of the week

.REMEMBER WHY you are exercising, why you NEED to be at the gym putting the work in, sometimes you won’t feel like it, but you know it’s so vital for you to be happier, have a better sense of wellbeing, tp have more energy, to have a bigger sense of purpose in your life. and why you need to set the tone for your week early.Some days its harder than others, but that’s life, you should know that by now, you are a grown up.

Don’t hide away from life’s challenges, don’t hide away from what you NEED to do for your health, no more ducking the challenge, make it COUNT today, it doesn’t have to be fancy, it doesn’t have to be a heroic effort, BUT it does have to be exactly that-an effort!!!

!Don’t complain at your lot in life if you aren’t even giving yourself a chance, the world will not help you unless you are willing to participate and throw your hat in the ring and fight!!!

Monday-time to make an impact and set yourself for a great week, a great month and a great last 11 weeks of the year!!!