Wednesday 6th April part 2

If we stop too much and think, then we usually go in neutral and don’t do anything at all. If all we do is think, then we tend to over-analyse things and often go in reverse gear. This is especially true when life may not be going as well as we hope it does, negative things happen all the time, and dealing with them in best as way as possible is absolutely vital. Here’s why trying to function healthily WILL ONLY HELP BIG TIME!!!

Here’s my true thoughts before doing something really tough. Take the tyre for instance, i start doing some stretches but really hate the idea of pulling that tyre across the car park!! The reason i do it? Because it makes me feel alive, gets me out of my slumber and suddenly i feel on fire and absolutely ANYTHING is possible. That moment i complete it is completely priceless, like no other feeling i know!

The thought of walking the dogs? Not amazingly excited but i know they love their exercise, they LOVE IT!! So i always include a hill, or half way up a mountain more like!! I find the first 100 yards tough, but after that the fresh air gets in my lungs, it gives me thinking time, i start becoming more positive on how i am going to attack the day, on the way down from the mountain i am starting to buzz and plan my day, how i can do it better. By the time i get home, i’m pretty fired up and it’s the key to getting fresh momentum in my day. This part is VITAL to me for my day!! I strongly you to encourage you to have this time to start the day! Plus i’m always listening to a great book all the way round!!

Here’s what i think about eating similar healthy food all week long. I know i am going to be hitting porridge for breakfast most days, with some nuts and berries sometimes. Do i get bored of it? That passed a long time ago, now i see it just as fuel and setting my day up right. My energy levels start rising and i love that slow energy rise that lasts for at least 3 hours, invaluable to me!!! The effect is gives far outweighs any blandness!!

Do i get bored with eating fruit and veg? Is it tough? Apart from all the nutrients we get from fruit, there’s one simple thing it gives me. I simply FEEL better with it, i function better, i perform better, my body works better and it’s great to have the deep down feeling you are doing your best for yourself!!

Have you noticed if you get used to healthy eating, then start eating rubbish as a one off for a couple of days? Your energy levels crash, you may go to the toilet more, you will be in a constant haze of zero energy and negative ambition, and often get much more irritable that you don’t want to do anything constructive!! Plus it’s not exciting to eat junk food anyway, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Have you ever found anyone more fun and exciting just because they eat junk or bacon and eggs for breakfast? Thought not!!

The message is that we all go through ups and downs, some more than others. Making that worse with an unhealthy lifestyle of bad diet and not moving very much is guaranteed to make it worse. We all have to smash out of it, hit it out of the park DAILY or or life of just thinking and no action or moving all day will get a grip on us in a bad way!!

Moving more, taking on challenges at maybe 90% of the time you don’t want to even do, will give you an energy shot of biblical proportions and can JOLT your day back into life and take you to that place you may have been craving for, but forgotten how to get to it!!!

Give yourself a massive jolt, get that aggression and fight going again, who knows it may even become CONTAGIOUS for you again and get you back to the inspirational level you want and NEED to be at again!!!!! Total belief in you!!!!!

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