Beach workouts

Thank you to those who did so well in our first early morning beach session, it was much apprexiqted.

The beach sessions are something a lot different, with different challenges, a different terrain and a great atmosphere with plenty of encouragement from others.

It’s guaranteed to get your mind in the right place, banish negativity, and crush doubt, so you approach your day with renewed vigour, determination and passion for what’s really important for you in life

.There is a space in life for doing tough things, for building your resilience and grit, and seeing your day with clarity and creating fresh energy for the challenges ahead.

Plus you will feel absolutely amazing afterwards and give yourself renewed confidence and raise your self-esteem due to the pride you will have after getting through such a tough and challenging workout.Every Monday and friday 6am, meet at the Yacht club, not next monday though due to the Bank Holiday.