Sunday 14th Nov 2021

Week 3 is about to kick off and you must approach it with great encouragement, but still realise there are two voices on your shoulder, and which one you listen to decides your destiny.

Voice one is the one that is based on the strong evidence that you have already put a huge amount of work in, you have made sacrifices and you are feeling fitter, stronger and much more positive. 

Week 3 will offer big challenges but you already in a good place ready to fight for even more.

Voice two is the voice of the herd and the people who live life on their settees talking a good game. People who have no interest in you getting fitter and healthier or achieving anything worthwhile will be urging you to quit, to put you off, to wait until after Christmas, to go off the rails right now and blow your healthy eating, miss your workouts, and want you to get started drinking way more. 

Maybe voice two mirrors their life and they want to inflict THEIR misery onto you, which will somehow make them feel better.

Remember this is a CHALLENGE and life-changing decisions are never easy. Whether its at the gym or live online, you have ZERO not be at your exceptional best this week again.

Leave the negativity behind

I love your success stories, and just as importantly, I love analysing what makes you successful.

One of the most vital traits to have is being an individual, not following the crowd, not bending to pacify other people’s wishes when they want you eat and drink rubbish most days with them, avoiding a class or workout because “so and so” isn’t going. We have proved “so and so” wrong so many times and you need to keep showing courage.

Forget the people who hurt your progress, any little “cliques” you maybe in but secretly want to get OUT of. 

I always make a point of NEVER entering WhatsApp groups, they can often be sources of silent bullying, of “dominant” or trying to be dominant figures taking over trying to negatively influence others, stand up to them and tell them “I WANT THE BEST FOR MYSELF”, and “I’M NOT FALLING FOR YOUR RUBBISH ANYMORE and YOU WILL NEVER INFLUENCE ME AGAIN!!”. I urge you to leave that group right now for your personal independence and happiness.

We are having a fantastic November so far because we are full of individuals who pulling TOGETHER for the greater good. People will always come and go but the TRUE WARRIORS will always survive and THRIVE and we are like a runaway train which is unstoppable right now.

I have made a career of proving people wrong, UPSETTING negative people detrimental to our purpose and mission, and encouraging them to join another bus.

To be successful and happy, surround yourself with people who REALLY want the best for you.

Week 2 day 4 of the 50 day challenge

Doing the stuff we like ALL of the time never ultimately make us happy. It makes us incomplete, leaves out the life is difficult at times part, and you have to go through the tough times to appreciate the good times.

Gaining an education always includes doing the double maths, and other subjects that we may not love, but it gives us a well rounded education in the end, and the bigger education we get, the better and broader view we will have of life.

Towards the end of your second week of the 50 day challenge, I have thrown plenty of stuff that made you uncomfortable, made you sweat and even made you doubt whether you could do it.

But it’s at these times you actually grow and get better.

What matters is that so many of you have made outstanding starts, and no matter what, you don’t quit until this 50 days is done.

The hard stuff now will soon become the “easy stuff”, but be sure I will have some new hard stuff to come, to stretch you further, to put some new doubt in your mind whether you can do it, but once you come out the other side you will feel exhilarated and top of the world, because you didn’t quit when it got hard, you didn’t quit when an obscure excuse would have been easier, you didn’t look the other way when I called on you to show courage.

Don’t be one of the crowd, be the different one who actually succeeds, don’t be a quitter (it’s super easy to do that). Seek difficulty in your life NOW to Make your life EASIER later.

One habit

Fantastic start and turn out this morning to day one of the 50 day challenge. Getting yourself into the right mindset that you need to change is really half the battle. If you do the same old things, then you will get the same old results, and this is why you have to expose yourself to all sorts of training, and all sorts of challenges, and NOT what feels “comfortable”, or the things you are always good at, it’s time to bring up your weaknesses too.

Your best battle plans though need to be supported by good food, you can do wonderful workouts but if you aren’t eating well afterwards, then your body will not fuel itself to the heights you want to get to.

Do ONE thing today that will make you better, one thing that will help you be more energetic, one thing today that will help you feel better full stop.Make it a simple one, like drinking enough WATER. One of life’s most important habits, feel refreshed instead of lethargic, more alive then falling asleep all the time, and making your body function so much better full stop.

Every day is a challenge yourself to get better, today is day one so let’s make it happen!!