2nd December

Here’s what training in December means and why so many of you are still doing great things.Lots of of you are still training hard, in a class outside with us, inside the gym or doing our daily live stream videos. We are very proud of you indeed and there’s no reason to miss a class now.You are being active without even thinking about it anymore. Once you get to this stage, where its essential for you to exercise so you just feel yourself, it’s vital for you to train because you want to feel better, and it’s part of your daily routine no matter what, it’s at this exact stage where tremendous results becomes normal too.Your habits shape you, if you show up at least 3 times a week, all year long, year in year out, you are one of us!! For those not quite there, we want to give you enormous support all year round so you get there no matter what.If you show up for 2 months, and then have 6 months off, you are living a life with regrets, what could have been, instead of what should be. Wonder why that person you see at the gym looks great and always has a sunny attitude? It’s because they work at it, they show up all the time, and when they do a food shop, they are never eating ready meals, they never drink in the week, and they never eat nutritionally empty foods like white bread, cakes, biscuits etc more than once a week.Commit to being a year round trainer like we commit to you. We throw everything at you because you know you and your family will be ecstatic with you being in amazing health, The big plus is always if you the parent is a great example, your kids will likely follow your example too.Set your standards high and don’t compromise. You know you have joined a 12 month gym, not a faddy January one that rips you off on some contract you never wanted to sign, and find out nobody wants to help you even when you do.Your opportunities are one of a kind and we have created a zero excuse environment for you to achieve anything you put your mind to!!

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