Thursday 30th december 2010

If you had taken my advice yesterday, you would have made some kind of commitment to getting in shape again. If you had taken some action, you may be feeling stiff today due to your lack of activity over Christmas and the approach to the holiday period.

What also causes the stiffness is the often poor choice of food and drink over this time. The old saying goes that if you put rubbish fuel into your body, don’t expect it to drive well. If you keep on putting sub-standard food and drink into your body, it will splutter along and jump like someone driving a car for the first time.

If im honest, I am stiff myself today and really tired after starting back good sessions on Monday. Its important for me to get through this period so im back feeling great by next week. Some people will be off until 4th January but that is far too long for me. I WANT to be back in work this week so I can get back to feeling good full stop, im glad I made the decision to start back this week honestly.

Along with feeling good comes lower body fat, a harder and leaner body, much better energy levels and the inner drive that everyone has returning in a big way.

If I stayed off until 4th January, I would be lethargic, irritable, not wanting to do anything etc. The idea of going out for junk food every day and going shopping most days frankly makes me want to puke!! Most people it seems love to shop but I really think that there better things to do. There are only so many shops you can go through, after all these shopping parks are the same as any town or city, no individual shops around anymore unfortunately!

I would much rather be out in fresh air walking, running whatever, it just feels better and if you have been stuck in the house all over Christmas due to the snow and ice, NOW really is the time to get out there and feel much better about yourself. There is absolutely no excuse not be exercising right now, please don’t fall for the groundhog day faddy excuses for diets in the new year, PLEASE don’t do it, save your money and promise yourself that you won’t be fooled anymore with their false promises and sometimes damaging effect on your long term health! According to latest research, 97% of them DO NOT WORK over the long term!!

Let’s get out there and make a start!!!

Wednesday 29th December

The great news should be that you are back into your workouts, a lot better food is going into your body and y0u’re not having a drink every day anymore. If you can say yes to all of this, then you should be feeling heck of a lot better than on the 25th and 26th of december. There is nothing worse than that feeling of overdoing it and having to lay down because you feel so full!

If we’re honest we have all had that feeling more than once and most of us don’t learn from year to year! What we can learn from though is the length of time we do it for, that is when we restrict the damge the rich living does to out liver, our heart and our general health and wellbeing.

It’s said by many people at this time of year that they don’t know how all these people who drink every day do it! It must be terrible to feel that bad every day of your life!! Unimaginable to some of us but people do live like this and all towns have a hardcore of drinkers who hit the pubs every day. That hardcore group is becoming less and less though due to the effects of the alcohol and lack of proper nutrition. Problems associated with drinking every day in excess include high blood pressure, weak heart functtion, diabetes, depression, sleeping problems, behavioural problems, extremely low energy levels, domestic violence to name just a few!!!

It makes perfect sense then to live your life as far away from that type of lifestyle as possible. Nothing wrong at all with drink in moderation, but when its something you have to do every day or most days, its time to recognise it as a problem that can destroy your life in all areas. You will always find someone to drink with in the pub and as the old saying goes, misery loves company!!!

The next couple of days is the perfect time to get out there in the fresh air and do something worthwhile again in training terms. The ice and snow has finally gone, and the temperatures are not so bad either allowing you a full range of options to get yourself back feeling your best again. How long that takes will depend on how far you’ve gone off the rails. Your body has to re-balance after all. The general rule is that for every week you have off, it takes 1-2 weeks to get back to normal so work it out like that. Two weeks off may mean up to four weeks to get back to your best.

However long it takes, its time to take the first steps now and make it happen again!!!

Tuesday 28th December

Hope you have all had a great christmas and you’re ready to go again!! Despite all the snow, the ice and the heavy drinking and eating for some anyway, i’m raring to go into the new year, and probably feel the best i have for some years!!!

I have put in the best workouts over christmas i think ever, and am raring to get right back into it tomorrow in working terms!!

If you’ve had a break, then your mind will be fresh and you’re going to be ready to hit 2011 mighty hard!!! The great news is that om going to be supporting you all the way, whatever your goals. Bottom line is its time to create your new goals/objectives for 2011 and form an action plan to get there!!

Speak tomorrow and the energy is coming back into my body quickly, get some training and decent food in and the same will happen to you!!!

Thursday, 23rd December

Exercising is the best way to keep your brain sharp well into old age according to a study released today in the daily telegraph. We sort of secretly knew that but its always nice to have it confirmed by the doctor’s and researchers finally.

Your brain’s ability to function properly can decline up to 40% if your lifestyle is not that great. For instance, if you smoke and drink a lot, your chances of declining sooner are much increased. Your choice all the way and after all, we live in a democratic society and it’s a free country!

Your brain is your most important thing when you think about it pardon the pun. Being aware of what’s going on around you keeps you in control and allows you to make decisions independently every day. Most of us take this for granted but probably most of us again know people who cannot think independently any more unfortunately.

One of the most important decisions your body will make is the decision to move/exercise. Moving around is vital if you want to stay healthy. If you don’t stay healthy, your brain will become less and less of a factor so they both feed off each other. Exercising is often considered a choice for most people, but when you really analyse its importance, it should really be considered vital!!!

So we have been talking all week about not wanting to put weight on over Christmas, the thought of not being able to function at 100% is pretty scary I’m sure.

This is another reason to do some workouts over Christmas, losing weight is not always the number one reason to train, the ability to live a normal healthy and active life should never be underestimated!

Wednesday 22nd December

So what’s happening today? Maintenance workouts going in? Given up the ghost or is health still pretty important to you?

Got to admit for the first time in ages, given my schedule and the snow and ice, didnt get a workout in myself today which is highly unusual!

I see it as a big positive though. I have a weights session for 4pm tomorrow and aim for one of my best performances of the year. Today’s rest will be a bonus for me and enough motivation to get a massive performance out of me. I will feel hugely energised afterwards now and im very excited about my last weight training workout before christmas!!!

To get going on this, im back to basics tomorrow morning, a good breakfast and plenty of fruit mid-morning and afternoon, with a sizeable lunch too. If i have a good amount of calories throughout the day and make sure they are good quality, then im 99% sure of having a great workout! Nothing’s for sure but im pretty fired up about the whole day tomorrow, and believe it or not, its still busy with most people still very keen to train right up to christmas eve morning!

The party food rubbish is something i definitely havent fallen for this year, i want to feel amazing all the time and my nutrition is absolute key, along with my workouts of course!

Will let you know how it goes tomorrow and hope you have a special performance lined up too!! Let me know about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!