Sunday December 12th 2021

We are within the two week period to christmas, and there’s things as usual to consider, because I speak to so many of you and people in general in how they view christmas, and how their habits shape their experience of christmas.

I know lots of you love christmas, and many of you struggle big time with it, because it means different things to a lot of people, good and bad.

Your habits will accentuate the way you feel too, good or bad.

If you eat well 80% of the time, then you will continue to feel energetic and generally be in a better mood. If you workout at least 3 times a week, the same pleasant things get sent to your brain to give you a positive experience even if you are naturally eating a bit more rubbish than normal. Keeping your engine going is vital.

If you eat  or drink badly 80% of the time, for a two week period or more, then the following will likely happen. Initially more sugar in your life will feel tremendous (for around 30 mins). But if you eat well normally and you go all out eating badly, your insides will eventually slow down and clog up, and your  mood will take a big downturn too to the negative side.

You will notice you go to the toilet more, and then less as your system gets less efficient, and all the bad stuff starts to stay in your body longer.

Your mood gets worse I must repeat, you get more irritable just as those closest to you want you to be pleasant to be around, and those cold and flu remedies will be advertising MUCH MORE as christmas comes and goes as they KNOW most people will be eating and drinking rubbish far more, which destroys their immune system so you will need their products much more. 

They aren’t geniuses, the just KNOW what’s coming.

Work on the 80-20 rule, nothing wrong with more treats over christmas but you need to keep your engine going, for your body’s sake, for your general health’s sake, for your mind’s sake, and everyone around you’s sake.

Keep working out, keep your health going or when you come back after Christmas, it will be 100 times as hard, and it’s no fun struggling to breathe from a combination of not exercising and endless buffets!

Wednesday 8th December 2021

When you first started with us, you had some deep reasons to start. You were steadfast in your ambitions to get out of whatever situation you were in, and get a betterr quality of life through exercise and eating right.So many of you have achieved incredible things, we are very proud of you.For those of you not making the sessions you NEED to make, you must have a serious chat with yourself. You NEED to become better in all ways, your energy, your mental health, your physical health are ALL dependant on you trusting the process of exercising and eating right MORE than the EXCUSES you may be making right now.Every time you think about missing a session, realsie it becomes even easier the next time. Then a week off becomes a month off, and starting back becomes ten times harder.Write down how you feel right now, how transformational exercise and eating right makes you feel, and let nobody or anything stand in your way to making those sessions, eating that great energy giving food and definitely don’t let anyone stop you entering our super positive and encouraging environment.Life is a series of choices, you have control over them, don’t let life pass you by.

Day 38 of the 50 day challenge

Day 38 of the 50 day challenge and many of you are recognising the positive connection with when you train, eat well and avoid certain other lifestyle triggers, you feel incredible 100% of the time.

Many of you tell me that when you felt down at times before, you used to turn to sugary snacks or drinks as an emotional crutch to get you “through” the down times, even though those snacks and drinks actually made those down times a lot worse and made you feel so much more out of control.

You tell me now that when you exercise, it only makes you more determined to eat well, and you don’t want to waste any of the progress you have made from your training.

At a time of the year when so many of your friends never exercise and never eat healthy, you have seen a transformational difference in your body, your mind and your mood by not giving up and staying with your programme.

Everything thinks that exercise is only about looking good, but if you don’t FEEL good inside, then the improvements are only superficial and never long lasting.December can be a great month for health, and whilst most of the general population have thrown the towel in, be proud of yourself that you aren’t one of the crowd, you continue to boost your immune system, you continue to feel in charge of how you feel, you are still getting fitter and stronger continuously and when you are fit and healthy, life looks heck of a lot better.

Day 29 of 50 week challenge

Outstanding effort from everyone today, remember though it’s up to YOU if you want to get better, its up to you if you want to make December your best month of the year, up to you if want to give your best performances of the year.It’s up to you whether you accept the challenge and THRIVE, or you look the other way pretending that life isn’t passing you by.

You either see life as an opportunity OR you live on the doom and gloom side of life.You WILL have plenty of people on both sides of the fence, you know by now though what side of the fence I’m’s up to you whether you want to lead by example to your family, or you live on the settee saying “someday”.

Someday leads to a town called NOWHERE so take responsibility once and for all, don’t blaming anyone else, it’s ALL within your control!!!

We realised again today that when you show up, there was a ton of laughter, enjoyment and fun as ever, we had a great time.

Mix that then with the ISOLATION and fear that so many live with right now.

This makes it even more important to show up, feel better, think better, and get yourself in the right frame of mind again.Laughter and talking to people is amazing medicine and should never be over-estimated.

You know this is a NO FAIL strategy for feeling better, but we know that getting your trainers on in the first place can be the hardest part of feeling better.

The. coldest and darkest time of year is here right now, and you have to fight that cold and darkness with FIRE, LAUGHTER and human connection, this formula will always WINS time and time again just when you need to keep winning your days the most.Stay on top of negative feelings, anxiety and depression by getting in an environment that gets you out of it every single time. Be ready to fight and never stop getting up off. the floor.