Welcome to the Gym

Ted McKibbins Logo

Nationally recognised gym in Burry Port, West Wales since 1957, that has gets one of a kind results, has a unique atmosphere, state of the art and passionate and highly experienced coaching where everyone knows your name.

We produce TWO brand new exercise videos posted here PER DAY for all abilities for members. You can also connect with us at any time through here and get a true online training and unique experience.

  Email fitness@kerimckibbin.co.uk to register or Tel 07968 980 808

Example workout how to train at home. Fully explained, no strain on your joints and you go at your own pace, with full support from Keri. This is a more moderate workout, for someone who has been working out a short amount of time building up their fitness.

We have a moderate intensity and an advanced level, two new videos every day and 1100 videos at time of writing this.


Monday 20th January

Comparing yourself to others doesn’t work.

Don’t worry about what others think, don’t let others’ opinions drag you down or define you, if you are putting the work in constantly, then good things will keep happening for you as long as you stay in the game.

Nothing was ever achieved worrying about anyone else and if you may “offend “them by having a go somehow, you will never reach great heights listening to the naysayers urging you to not even try (because they have not got the guts to even try themselves, and if you think that self-improvement will happen by avoiding the hard work and going for a takeaway instead just because your friends always do it (just to feel better), then you had better pull yourself out of that self-delusion.

You need to be your OWN person, focus on putting that work in every day and setting high standards for your life in every possible way.

16th Jan 2025

Big dreams exist for you to GROW into. Big ambitions, the stuff you really want takes a lot of work, takes a lot of continuous effort, grit and resilience because there will be disappointment along the way (as well as the victories).

The question is are you going through the motions or are you growing yourself bit by bit into your dreams and aspirations, or are you making excuses not to even try at all and give up on yourself?

Big dreams take daily affirmations, and reminding yourself why you are working so hard every day is powerful.

Also, when you write it down (what you really want), it becomes more than twice as likely to happen and come true. When you write it down, it becomes more real, you are less likely to forget about it and it will always be on your mind, and the steps you need to keep taking to keep advancing to your goal.

We can all get discouraged along the way, but when we have a regular schedule, a routine that enables us to continuously get better, progress becomes much more likely to be automatic rather than something that happens like a winning the lottery type of freak happening.

Big dreams can happen, but it’s all going to be YOU and your HARD WORK done relentlessly, and you will DESERVE IT if you stick at it and see it through, keep showing up and make progress a big part of your day..