Welcome to the Gym

Ted McKibbins Logo

Nationally recognised gym in Burry Port, West Wales since 1957, that has gets one of a kind results, has a unique atmosphere, state of the art and passionate and highly experienced coaching where everyone knows your name.

We produce TWO brand new exercise videos posted here PER DAY for all abilities for members. You can also connect with us at any time through here and get a true online training and unique experience.

  Email fitness@kerimckibbin.co.uk to register or Tel 07968 980 808

Example workout how to train at home. Fully explained, no strain on your joints and you go at your own pace, with full support from Keri. This is a more moderate workout, for someone who has been working out a short amount of time building up their fitness.

We have a moderate intensity and an advanced level, two new videos every day and 1100 videos at time of writing this.


Wed 19th Feb

It’s very easy to WAIT for change in our lives, but the reality usually is we have to CREATE it ourselves.

If you wan’t what you have always had, then keep on doing what you have always done goes the saying.

If you want something different and better, then try doing something different and more challenging, the status quo of trying a “little bit” now and again won’t get you anywhere.

It’s the THIRD opportunity today to try the new programme and lots of you have already done all three. Yes it has been a struggle at times, it’s been requiring a big push and most of you have lifted weights heavier than you ever have, but you have got through it and you deserve all the massive rewards to come.

You haven’t ducked the challenge, you have EMBRACED it and showed great courage, commitment and resilience by getting through all the new challenges that have come your way.

Other activities like walking, cycling, swimming etc are fantastic and I enjoy them myself, but these programmes will CHANGE you radically in record time and boost your health dramatically in the right direction and give you great foundations to perform well in everything you choose to do.

Back this up by eating healthy and you will likely be much more resilient to colds and other illnesses that seemingly are around all the time-studies shows that this is 100% FACT.

Tues 18th Feb

Asking yourself better questions about your workouts mean the difference between struggle and thriving with your health.

“Why do I have to do that”, “can’t I do something easy instead”, “I’m too old for that”, “maybe I can show up once a week and get away with it”, are all examples of someone struggling with their fitness , instead of embracing of what they can really do and PRIORITISING their health.

“I will do my best on that exercise/challenge”, “I am lucky to be fit and strong enough to try that”, “I know if I do this regularly, I will be fitter than I was 20 years ago” are great examples of someone THRIVING with their fitness, instead of coughing and spluttering over the line every day.

Realising what you really capable of instead of constantly putting yourself down and avoiding challenges will be life-changing and transformational-all up to you and your attitude!!!