Thursday, 15th August

Creating an effective environment for health and wellness

It’s very easy to find yourself fighting food cravings and binges when your environment doesn’t support your goals.

Studies show that will power is not something you have in abundance and certainly not something you can muster up at will.

Just like in a car, the petrol tank is full in the morning and slowly over the course of the day, the amount goes down and down, the more you drive, until you fill up again.  Will power is therefore very high first thing in the morning and then goes down and down throughout the day.

By late afternoon, when your body is feeling tired and possibly emotional after a hectic day, will power is in low supply.

It’s therefore imperative that you work with this knowledge.  Instead of fighting your own instincts, and trying to muster up the willpower, simply make the environment work for you.

NEVER keep junk food in the house for instance.  It’s very hard to eat a bag of crisps at 11pm after a few wines, if they are not in the house.  It’s also very hard to drink the wine if you don’t have it readily in the wine rack.

ALWAYS keep healthy snacks in the house.  Yoghurts, seeds, nuts and fruit are excellent quick snacks that will tide you over during moments of cravings.

ALWAYS keep healthy snacks on you too.  A few pieces of fruit or nuts and seeds are great if you have a tendency of grabbing chocolate and crisps in the petrol station on the way home.

These types of junk foods and drinks are lovely as a treat, but you have to create the environment which will help you keep them as a treat.  Consider having one or two nights a week when you can have these as a treat, shopping for them on that particular day and then throwing away any leftovers.    

Enjoy your day,
