Sunday, 1st October

Sunday club is official up and running and perfect preparation for the new programme tomorrow! We just had a big blast up the mountain with my oldest boy. It was a hard run this time, full throttle, and most of it uphill.

Perfect sunday moments that’s the exact opposite of watching Countryfile, songs of praise of whatever other programmes I never want to watch, and 1000 times better than scrolling social media/watching more box sets or anything else that’s going to turn me into a slow slug that doesn’t want to do anything worthwhile.

A huge run did the job again, sweating like a pig, heart rate right up there, followed by……an inner calm and feeling great inside. Nothing else gives you that.

The perfect antidote to those nervous about the week to come Sundays. What we talked about last week, feelings of stress, anxiety, nervousness are smashed to smithereens in moments like these, especially when you have to dig hard just to get up the mountain.

My Sunday tea times of my youth are back, and it was only sparked today by a family walk which made me feel better, and this walk got the thought in my mind of going for such a blaster of a run straight away.

The big news is that i’m mega-fired up for tomorrow morning, bring a huge attitude with you and being your best game to the party first thing tomorrow morning.

Whatever negative you need to smash out of the park you can do with exercise. Don’t think about it too much, just DO IT and reap some amazing rewards!!


Saturday, 30th September

The more clarity we have to think properly, the more things we get done on a regular basis.

Life is ultra-busy, it demands more out of us mentally each month and year seemingly. On top of that, are electronic devices of all kinds are giving our chances of thinking straight a hard time. When we don’t think straight, our stress and anxiety levels only rise and rise, often to intolerable levels, and then it’s inevitable that some of us collapse under the weight of it all.

Quiet time is then a must, but it can’t happen if you get up at the same time as a houseful of kids wakes up. You have to make that time by getting to bed earlier and planning to wake up earlier.

That 30-60 minutes will help you gather your thoughts, help plan your day better and get you better prepared for all the challenges yet to come.

The magic moment is when your body changes the way you feel to allow your brain to think differently, to flick the switch that allows you to change from “what am I doing up this early”, to one of “I’m ready to do this now so what’s next, and I have all these plans for the day after all”.

To allow that magic to happen, you need to move more, and moving early will awaken your brain to think clearer, with more possibility and often allowing you to take action far quicker and with more consistency.

Exercising, however light will change not only your body, but your mind. The stresses of modern life will get get to you, but by moving more, you will be taking a lot of the dangers of stress right out of your body. This is why “looking good” and vanity is never the most important part of exercise, it’s about feeling good internally, developing more energy, getting rid of stress and the rest will take of itself.

Most important thing you can do today is commit to feeling better, and there’s no better feeling that getting your heart rate up on daily basis, to get rid of the stuff that’s hurting you mentally and not allowing you become all you can be.

Those times of stress, anxiety that are commonplace for most people now CAN be dealt with much better, all you need is the courage to start moving more and with purpose, so schedule it into your day right now and feel the huge benefits immediately.