Day 19

Day 19

One of the secrets to be successful can be not letting your treat day, typically on a Saturday, become a half week blitz on your favourite treats!

Let’s look at tomorrow, Wales versus England in rugby, and many of you will be out tomorrow, having a few drinks or maybe lots more than a few, eating whatever you want and generally going way off your eating plan and really going to town on anything you want!

We have all done it, and nothing wrong with a blast now and again.

The real problem with this type of Saturday is that our whole weekend state of mind is changed. Most of you have eaten really well all week, achieved some really good results already and are very focused on this 84 day challenge.

What I mean about a state of mind change on the weekend is this. When you know you are having the big Saturday out, your Friday thinking can go too, as it’s like a version of being on holiday.

You think you’re going to let it all hang out Saturday, so may as well start on Friday! You may have a couple of drinks on the Friday, then have a takeaway, then Saturday morning you have a substantial cooked/fried breakfast loaded with a huge number of calories. Then the game is on Saturday tea time and lunch is usually very rich, and Saturday tea time onwards will be a write off of course!

Then there’s Sunday, you somehow crave cooked breakfasts on Sunday simply to feel better! Then, there’s Sunday lunch and most people always overeat that, and before you know it, it’s Sunday night and whole weekend has gone.

These are 3 huge days for you, and how do you think this will affect your progress? Well, you will have had 4 good days, and 3 bad days, and the 3 bad days will feature no or very little exercise. It should mean a week of zero progress, because you will be concentrating so much of simply “burning” off the weekend!

I would look at the weekend a little differently. I would continue exercising until Friday night, and eat sensibly still with a good selection of good food. Saturday doesn’t have to be trashed from the moment you get up, you can still eat well!

Nothing wrong with a few drinks for the biggest game of the year, but getting trashed into oblivion is really going to wreck your next day to say the least, and maybe a couple of days afterwards!

First thing Sunday morning, I would get up and run or cycle, despite maybe a headache, you do feel better after 10 minutes of doing it, honestly you do! Then your workout is out of the way early, and you will feel significantly better for the rest of the day and ready to start Monday with a bang!! Also, you will be far more motivated to eat well the rest of Sunday, and the great thing is that your fatty/sugary cravings will go straight away!!

Doing it this way, your week can turn into 6 good days, and bit of a blowout on Saturday, but with still good eating habits!

This is a great option of how you eat, drink and exercise the weekend!

Up to you of course!


11 Replies to “Day 19”

  1. Got up this morning feeling ROUGH, braced myself cos I had my granddaughter. Didnt do indoor workout, but did two 20 min sessions with Jasmine on the TRAMPOLINE IN the garden, tell you what, it was hard, then she wanted to go to the park, so I took her and her bike, then we found a dead sparrow in the park and she could’nt understand why it would’nt get up, told her it must have fallen out of the tree and was dead, so we had a funeral for it, and I made a cross out of two lollipop stick. Am wiped out now, taking a Lemsip and going to bed.

    8.15 usual breakfast

    12.50 1 slice of toast and banana

    6.45 bowl on minestroni soup
    thats is it, wont be goin to the pub for the match If I feel like this.

    Nite, nite Jeanx

  2. had the same roughness jeany for the past few days.Hopefully the workout’s i’ve done have sweated the bugger away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

  3. What is happening to my two mates?!!
    Look after yourselves, and don’t try too much too soon when you feel up to it.
    Amazing amount of people reading your blog, keri. Where are they? People must be fed up of reading the comments of J.C. and D. by now!! Come on SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look at Chris!! He is doing so well and it is fab to hear of his achievement. THAT is inspiring, isn’t it? Anyone else doing well? It would be great to hear how you’re doing and how you’re changing your life. Any tips gratefully received.

    I had a good one today. Power walked for 40 mins. Menu was:

    muesli and soya milk


    prawn and egg salad


    lamb steak and stir fry

    Made chicken crawl for tea tomorrow and will have a Strongbow while watching Wales win!!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. hi debs,
    The situation is like this with people posting. I joined a rugby site, and viewed it for 2 whole years before i posted! Even me!!

    Its quite a big thing posting for many and as long as the figures viewing are okay, its not really a problem for me, but i do think that you do get value and help from posting, and it can be very powerful for all of us!

  5. debs
    That number is going up all the time, 94 absolute unique visitors up to yesterday, so it tends to go up most days so trend is up all the time. I use a piece of software called google/analytics, which is very informative in where the visitors come from too. So far, we have the UK, USA and Canada. Also, the visitor loyaly is at 85%, which is very good too.

  6. Sorry to hear ur unwell Cyril, I have head cold aches and pains all over, thought of goin for a cylce to sweat it off. Hate this, my weight has stayed the same again but being positive, hope it kicks in next week. enjoy the match, I will be watching it at home on my own with a glass of LEMSIP, dont feel like goin to the PUB. Jeanx

  7. Keri,
    Those figures must be very gratifying. I have given details to several clients who have shown an interest.
    Hope you are on the mend Jeany and Cyril. Lots of people with all sorts of bugs at the moment.
    Don’t despair, you have had a cracking start!
    I weigh myself tomorrow and if I am honest, I will be very disappointed if I don’t drop a couple of pounds. I have done my very best this week. I do feel good, and it would be nice to see some movement on those scales. Down not up for a change!!
    COME ON WALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Getting excited now.
    Indoor workout before settling down for the match. Might reconsider the Strongbow. Hope I don’t need it to drown my sorrows!!

  8. debs
    The numbers dont really matter to me too much as you know, doing it to help people and this site covers a lot of questions, so if it helps then fantastic, if people want fireworks, and more fancy visual things, then this is not it! Trying to keep it honest, and if people dont like the answers, they can follow another path, chances are though they will be back on ours if they really are prepared to put some work in!

  9. what ever i had didn’t last long only a day or so???still haven’t stop me doing my regular stuff though 🙂

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